IMR Read Me Page


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# $Revision: 1.2 $
# $Name: imr-1_0_0-2 $
# $Date: 2009/04/08 18:50:52 $
# $Author: agibert $

Welcome to IMR (Interlinking Message Router) !

This program is DIAMIS Cristal message transformer. It can convert XML Cristal messages to old flat message format and vice versa.
Thanks to its fully configurability, IMR can virtually convert any file format.
Message are read from and writen to different media: file, MQSeries ans Tuxedo Queues.

This is the initial and origianal release of IMR.
This version has been in production between April 2005 and February 2008 and no bug has been detected !

This release of IMR supports the following OS:
	- Mandriva Linux 2005 (Developement),
	- HP UX (Production).

	- Architecture and team leading :    A. Gibert
	- Conception, Development and Tests: R. Dahbi, A. Gibert, H. Moussaid, D. Olivon, E. Renaud (Coignet)

IMR is now licensed under the GPL GNU Licenses.
For more information, please read the corresponding source file headers.
The license details can be found in the GNU-GPL.txt and GNU-FDL.txt files.

IMR depend on:
    - libnode V2.1.0-1 (,
    - libxml2 V2.6.9 (,
    - libz V1.1.4 ((C) 1995-2002 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler).
These libraries are currently distributed with IMR. Please check their corresponding licenses.

Enjoy it!

Your IMR Team.

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